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Video Gallery
Killing me inside from iwankitty on Vimeo.
Sniper Reloaded 2011
Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller| Director: -Claudio Fäh-Mask Maker 2011
Genre: Horror|Director| Language: EN- | Subtitles: -N/A
Street Kings 2 Motor City Unrated 2011
Plot: Motor City moves the action to Michigan and explores the world of dirty cops on the violent streets of Detroit. Marty Kingston (Liotta) is an undercover narcotics detective who is shot and barely survives a drug bust gone wrong to save the life of his partner. When his partner is killed by a masked gunman four years later, Marty must team up with the hotheaded homicide detective Dan Sullivan (Hatosy) to investigate a string of brutal cop murders and hunt down the cop killer. The investigation that ensues is shrouded in deception and loaded with plot twists that question the line between the rules of law and justice.
The Killing Jar 2010
Plot: A stranger armed with a shotgun takes seven patrons hostage in a remote roadside diner. But as the body count increases, the desperate survivors discover that one of the hostages may be even more dangerous than their captorBallistica 2010 DVDRiP AC3 XViD-Feel-Free
Plot: A man has been trained in a deadly form of hand-to-hand combatusing ballistics and firearms. He is one of the few Americans whohas perfected it, which makes him the CIA’s best weapon againstInternational Terrorism
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